Saturday, November 27, 2010

Haunted Air

Compiled by Ossian Brown, Haunted Air, is the author's private collection of Halloween photographs taken between 1875 and 1955. The photos featured in this book are anonymous and have been salvaged by the author by rummaging through attics and antique stores.The book serves as a glimpse into America's past, unifying the uncanny with the at-the time living.

The photos are baleful, and it it no surprise that the foreword is written by David Lynch, master of depicting suburbia's underbelly. Lynch describes the photos as
‘A void out of time. And here they are – looking out and holding themselves still – holding still at that point where two worlds join – the familiar – and the other.’
And here is a preview of just some of the delightful and lovely images found in this book.

The Holiday season is right around the corner and this could serve as a truly unique gift for anyone enamored with photography, history, or, for those fascinated with specters, and all things supernatural.


Forget the music, download the split just for the handsomely stunning man on the cover.

Glocca Morra/The Greek Favourites Split - Songs in the Key of Ayyyyy

RIYL: Good music, Handsome men with red lips

P.S. I may have forgotten a few Y's in the title.

Available for free over at ifyoumakeit. Never hurts to buy it though :)

GM Bandcamp
TGF Bandcamp

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Walking Dead - Series Premiere

Last night, AMC premiered the pilot episode of The Walking Dead, a post-apocalyptic series chronicling the lives of survivors following a zombie outbreak. It is based off the comic book of the same name, written by Robert Kirkman. If you happened to miss the show, or are unable to catch AMC, watch it below.